{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block title %} Data dictionary {% endblock %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock stylesheets %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
{% endblock %} {% block body %}
Data dictionary
Variable Description Format Type Rules
zone Site zone
season Season for which the data is collected DD_DD (D=Digit)
id Id of the line
OHC_TECH_ID Technical variable indicating the id of the line
OHC_TECH_IdIntegration Technical variable indicating the integration id
date_last_modified Technical variable indicating the last date of modification
id_last_modificator Technical variable indicating the id of the last modificator
name_last_modificator Technical variable indicating the name of the last modificator
is_validated Technical variable indicating the validated status of the questionnaire 0 / 1
form_type Technical variable indicating if the form is for a patient < 5 years old or > 5 years old 0 = < 5 years old / 1 = > 5 years old Integer
both_comp_a_diag Case finding based on pre-defined admission diagnosis 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
If "Yes", both_case_identified_based_logs_respiratory and both_case_identified_based_positive_swab must be "No"
both_a_diag Admission diagnosis (letter/code.subcode) (L=Capital Letter / D=Digit)
If ICD-9: format = DDD.DD
If ICD-10: format = LDD.DD
If more than one code is captured: format = ["DDD.DD","DDD.DD",...] or ["LDD.DD","LDD.DD",…]
text If both_comp_a_diag = No, must be empty
If both_comp_a_diag = Yes, must be one fo the value from annex 1 of the questionnaire, other values are not permitted
If unknown, leave empty AND both_a_diag_unknow = 1
both_a_diag_icd ICD used 0= ICD-9 / 1 = ICD-10 Integer If both_comp_a_diag = No, must be empty
If both_comp_a_diag = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_doa Date of admission YYYY-MM-DD datetime Mandatory
Must be a valid date, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
Specimens shouldn’t have more than 7 days from test results to admission, or should be collected within 48-72 hours/3 days of hospital admission
both_discharged_date Discharge/death date YYYY-MM-DD datetime Mandatory
Must be a valid date, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_swab_date Date of swabbing YYYY-MM-DD datetime Mandatory
Must be a valid date, other values are not permitted
If unknown, must be empty and both_swab_date_unknown = 1
both_antiviral_preceding_date Starting Date YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_antiviral_preceding = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antiviral_preceding = Yes, must be a valid date AND < both_doa
If unknown, must be empty AND both_antiviral_preceding_date_unknow = 1
both_antiviral_during_date Starting Date YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_antiviral_during = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antiviral_during = Yes, must be a valid date AND > both_doa
If unknown, must be empty AND both_antiviral_during_date_unknow = 1
both_antibio_preceding_date Starting Date YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_antibio_preceding = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antibio_preceding = Yes, must be a valid date AND < both_doa
If unknown, must be empty AND both_antibio_preceding_date_unknow = 1
both_antibio_during_date Starting Date YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_antibio_during = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antibio_during = Yes, must be a valid date AND > both_doa
If unknown, must be empty AND both_antibio_during_date_unknow = 1
both_av_starting_date Starting date YYYY-MM-DD datetime Must be a valid date
doq Date of questionnaire YYYY-MM-DD datetime Mandatory
Must be a valid date, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
dob Date of birth YYYY-MM-DD datetime Must be a valid date
dol Date of the laboratory determination YYYY-MM-DD datetime Must be a valid date. If don't know the result NA
dov Vaccination date (exact) from records or registries YYYY-MM-DD datetime If the information is available from patient records or registeries, must be a valid date. If it is not known the value must be NA, otherwise value can be NULL
doo Date of onset of ILI symptoms YYYY-MM-DD datetime Must be a valid date
swab_sent Date of sample sent to laboratory YYYY-MM-DD datetime Must be a valid date. If don't know the result NA
both_covid_last_dose_date Date of last vaccine dose YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be a valid date
If both_covid_number_doses != None AND date unknown, must be empty AND both_covid_last_dose_date_unknow = 1
both_swabcovid_date Date of swabbing (For COVID-19 Only – if done within 14 days from hospital admission date) YYYY-MM-DD datetime Mandatory
Must be a valid date, other values are not permitted
Must be within 14 days from hospital admission date
If non-applicable, must be empty and both_swabcovid_date_unknow = 1
both_sex Sex 0 = Female /1 = Male Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
communication Able to communicate with the patient or the proxy 0 = No /1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
consents Does the patient give Consent to participate in the study? 0 = No /1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
residence Is the patient a resident (according to the definition in your local protocol)? 0 = No /1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
institutionalized Is the patient institutionalized? 0 = No /1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
exclussion_hosp Discharged from the hospital in the last 30 days? 0 = No /1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
soc_class Occupation/social class Text varchar(255)
smoking_hab Smoking habits 1 = current smoker / 2 = past smoker / 3 = never smoker Integer Must be 1, 2 or 3, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_chronic_cond_yn Does the patient have any chronic conditions ? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_clinical3 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_chronic_cvd_blood Cardiovascular disease 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_copd Chronic lung disease (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] and cystic fibrosis) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_asthma Asthma 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_diabetes Diabetes 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_immuno Immunideficiency (Except HIV)/organ transplant 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_renal Renal impairment 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_rheumatologic_autoimmune_dis Rheumatologic disease / Autoimmune disease 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_neurological_neuromuscular_dis Neurological or neuromuscular disease 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_cirrhosis_liver_dis Cirrhosis / Liver disease 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_neoplasm Neoplasm (active) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_obesity Obesity 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_malnutri Malnutrition (Only for children < 5 years) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No AND/OR patient >= 5 years old, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes AND patient < 5 years old, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_active_tuberculosis Active tuberculosis 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_hiv_infection HIV infection 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_hiv_exposure HIV exposure (Only for children < 5 years) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No AND/OR patient >= 5 years old, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes AND patient < 5 years old, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_chronic_other Other 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
hosp_12m Chronic condition: Autoimmune disease Integer If known must be an integer >= 0, otherwise NA
av_current_days If yes, how many days Integer If known must be an integer >= 0, otherwise empty
both_av_current Prescriptions of antiviral for the current episode 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 9999 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
previous_lab Previous laboratory confirmed influenza in the season? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_influ_vac_current_season Influenza vaccination for the current season 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_vac_14d_before_ili_sym Vaccinated more than 14 days before onset of acute respiratory symptoms 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer If both_influ_vac_current_season = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_influ_vac_current_season = Yes, must be 0, 1 or 2, other values are not permitted
vac_name Name/Type of vaccine text varchar(255)
vac_type Type of vaccine 1 = Inactivated Vaccine, 2 = Live Attenuated Vaccine, 3 = Do not know Integer Must be 1, 2 or 3, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_vac_preceding_season Influenza vaccination in the preceding season? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_swab_date_unknow Date of swabbing unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_swab_date empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
swab_np Nasopharyngeal swab 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 9999 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
swab_n Nasal swab 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 9999 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
swab_p Pharyngeal swab 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 9999 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
hypoxia_adm Hypoxia at admission 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
lethargy_adm Lethargy at admission 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_oxygen_saturation Oxygen saturation value on ambient air (%) |_|_|_| % varchar(255) If the information is known, must be an integer >=0
If unknown, must be empty AND both_severity_oxygen_saturation_unknow = 1
both_severity_oxygen_saturation_unknow Oxygen saturation value on ambient air (%) unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_severity_oxygen_saturation empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
both_severity_blood_pressure Blood pressure |__|__|__|/|__|__|__|mmHg varchar(255) If the information is known, must be a text format : 000/000
If unknown, must be empty AND both_severity_blood_pressure_unknow = 1
both_severity_blood_pressure_unknow Blood pressure unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_severity_blood_pressure empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
both_severity_respiration_rate Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) |__|__| bpm varchar(255) If the information is known, must be an integer >=0
If unknown, must be empty AND both_severity_respiration_rate_unknow = 1
both_severity_respiration_rate_unknow Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_severity_respiration_rate empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
blood_urea_nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (mmol/L units) |__|__| mmol/L varchar(255) If the information is known, must be a numeric value >=0
Otherwise,result = NA
Other values (including NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_supp_oxygen Supplemental oxygen without mechanical ventilation 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_vaso_support Vasopressor support 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_icu_adm ICU admission 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_death_hosp Death while hospitalized 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_mech_vent Mechanical ventilation 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_d_diag1 Main diagnose at discharge/death (L=Capital Letter / D=Digit)
If ICD-9: format = DDD.DD
If ICD-10: format = LDD.DD
varchar(10) Must be one fo the value from annex 1 of the questionnaire, other values are not permitted
If unknown or not captured, must be empty AND both_d_diag1_unknow = 1
both_d_diag2 Secondary 1 diagnose at discharge/death (L=Capital Letter / D=Digit)
If ICD-9: format = DDD.DD
If ICD-10: format = LDD.DD
varchar(255) Must be one fo the value from annex 1 of the questionnaire, other values are not permitted
If unknown or not captured, must be empty AND both_d_diag2_unknow = 1
both_d_diag3 Secondary 2 diagnose at discharge/death (L=Capital Letter / D=Digit)
If ICD-9: format = DDD.DD
If ICD-10: format = LDD.DD
varchar(255) Must be one fo the value from annex 1 of the questionnaire, other values are not permitted
If unknown or not captured, must be empty AND both_d_diag3_unknow = 1
both_d_icd ICD used at discharge/death 0 = ICD-9 / 1 = ICD-10 Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_positive_result Does the patient have a positive influenza test result ? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Inadequate Sample Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_labo2 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_lab_flu_h1n1 H1N1pdm09 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_h1nother H1Nother 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_h3n2 H3N2 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_h3nother H3Nother 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_yamagata B/Yamagata 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_victoria B/Victoria 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_a_nosub Influenza A not subtyped 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab_flu_b_nosub Influenza B no lineage information 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_positive_result = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_positive_result = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_corona_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_corona = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_corona = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_metaneumo_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_metaneumo = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_metaneumo = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_rs_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_rs = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_rs = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_adeno_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_adeno = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_adeno = Yes, must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_boca_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_boca = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_boca = Yes, must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_pi_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_pi = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_pi = Yes, must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_rhino_yesno Rhinovirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
lab_mix Mixed (combination of 2 or more viruses) 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_detected_coinfection Have you detected a co-infection? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
lab_negative Negative lab result for any respiratory virus 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
age Age Integer Must be a valid Integer between 0 and 130, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_age_months Age in months if the patient < 1 month, use the value 0 e.g. 4 years old = 48 months Integer
more_age_years Age in years Integer
sym_7d_yn Have these ILI symptoms begun in the last 7 days prior to admission? 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_ilisystemic Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_ilisystemic_fever Fever / history of fever 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
fever_adm Fever at admission 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilisystemic_malaise Malaise / fatigue / lethargy 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilisystemic_headache Headache 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilisystemic_myalgia Myalgia / muscle ache / body-ache 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilirespiratory_cough Cough 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilirespiratory_sorethroat Sore throat 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilirespiratory_shortnessbreath Shortness of breath / difficult breathing 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilirespiratory_nasalcongestion Nasal congestion / runny nose 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_epi_isl If yes, please enter the GISAID Accession Number (EPI_ISL_xxxxxxx) EPI_ISL_|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| varchar(255) If both_sample_submitted = Yes, must be completed in the correct format
both_display_clinical2 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_display_clinical4 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_display_clinical5 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_display_clinical6 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_display_clinical7 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_pregnancy_status Pregnancy status 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Non-applicable Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_pregnancy_weeks Number of weeks Integer If both_pregnancy_status = No or Non-applicable, must be empty
If both_pregnancy_status = Yes, must be a valid integer
If unknown, must be empty AND both_pregnancy_weeks_unknow = 1
both_pregnancy_weeks_unknow Number of weeks unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_pregnancy_status = No or Non-applicable, must be empty
If both_pregnancy_status = Yes AND both_pregnancy_weeks a valid integer, must be empty
If both_pregnancy_status = Yes AND both_pregnancy_weeks empty, must be = 1
both_display_hasonesymptoms Technical variable that displays conditional questions
comp_ili Does the patient comply with the ILI case definition? 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
comp_ili_7d Does the patient comply with the ILI definition and 7 days criteria? 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
more_comply Does the patient comply with the GIHSN ILI case definition and the 7 days criteria? 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_test_other_virus Did you test for other respiratory viruses? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Inadequate Sample Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_test_other2 Technical variable that displays conditional questions
display_titre_labo Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_height Height (only for children <5 years) |__|__|__| cm Integer Mandatory for patient < 5 years old
Must be an integer and > 0,
If value is unknown, must be empty and both_height_unknown = 1
both_weight Weight (only for children <5 years) |__|__|__| kg Integer Mandatory for patient < 5 years old
Must be an integer and > 0,
If value is unknown, must be empty and both_weight_unknown = 1
both_height_unknow Height unknown or not captured (only for children <5 years) 1 = Do not know Integer If patient < 5 years old and both_height empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
both_weight_unknow Weight unknown or not captured (only for children <5 years) 1 = Do not know Integer If patient < 5 years old and both_weight empty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
birthweight Birth weight Integer Must be a valid integer > 0, if value isn't known then value = NA, others values (including empty or NULL values) are not permitted
gestbirth_wk_yn Do you remeber the gestational birth week when the child was born? Integer Must be a valid Integer and > 0, if value isn't known then value = NA, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
gestbirth_wk If yes, what pregnancy week was the child born? Integer Must be a valid Integer and > 0, if value isn't known then value = NA, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
exclu_breast_fed Was the child exclusively breast fed? 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
breastfed_yn Is the child bieng breastfed? 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
breastfed_month_time If yes, how many months were the child 1 = Current, 2 = Less than 6 months, 3 = 6 months or more Integer Must be 1, 2 or 3, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
temperature_adm Temperature value (°C) |__|__|__| °C varchar (255) Must be a valid decimal, if you don't know result = NA, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_chronic_prematurity Born premature, ie., <37 week gestation (Only for children < 5 years) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No AND/OR patient >= 5 years old, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes AND patient < 5 years old, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
less_chronic_down_syndrom Down Syndrome or any other developmental handicap 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_chronic_congenital_heart_dis Congenital Heart Disease 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
more_chronic_leukemia Leukemia 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_chronic_hemoglobinopathies Hemoglobinopathies 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_chronic_cond_yn = No, must be empty
If both_chronic_cond_yn = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values are not permitted
both_antibio_preceding Vaccinated more than 14 days before onset of acute respiratory symptoms 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_frailty_score What is the baseline frailty score of the patient (for all patients 50 years and older), prior to onset of the current illness? 1 to 9 Integer Mandatory if age >= 50
Must be between 1 and 9, other values are not permitted
If unknown, must be empty AND both_frailty_score_unknown = 1
both_frailty_score_unknow Frailty score unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If patient < 50 years old, must be empty
If patient >= 50 years old AND both_frailty_score empty, must be = 1
less_influ_vac_current_season_2_doses Were 2 doses of vaccine given to the patient ? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
barthel_index Barthel Index (Only patients 65 years or older) Integer If patient < 65 years old, must be an empty. Otherwise, it must be an integer between 0 and 100
both_severity_confusion Confusion/lethargy 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_apnea Apnea (only for children <5) 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory for patient < 5 years old
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_discharge_another_hopital Discharge to another hospital 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_frailty_score_discharge What is the frailty score of the patient at discharge (for all patients 50 years and older) ? 1 to 9 Integer Mandatory if age >= 50
Must be between 1 and 9, other values are not permitted
If unknown, must be empty AND both_frailty_score_discharge_unknown = 1
both_frailty_score_discharge_unknow Frailty score of the patient at discharge (for all patients 50 years and older) unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If patient < 50 years old, must be empty
If patient >= 50 years old AND both_frailty_discharge_score empty, must be = 1
both_sample_submited Did you submit the sample to GISAID EpiFlu™ database? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = No, failed sequencing Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_gisaid Technical variable that displays conditional questions
less_display_intro Technical variable that displays conditional questions
more_display_intro Technical variable that displays conditional questions
SysStartTime Technical variable indicating the historization of the table
SysEndTime Technical variable indicating the historization of the table
OHC_CleSignature Technical variable indicating the hashing key on all fields
OHC_Signature Technical variable indicating the hashing key on the primary key
both_display_clinical6b Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_lab2_corona Human Coronavirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_metaneumo Metapneumovirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_rs Respiratory syncytial virus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_adeno Adenovirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_boca Bocavirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_pi Parainfluenza virus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_rhino Rhinovirus 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_display_hasothersymptoms Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_othersymptoms_nausea Nausea or vomiting 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_othersymptoms_diarrhea Diarrhea 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_othersymptoms_smell New loss of taste or smell 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_othersymptoms_chestpain Chest pain 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_fever Fever 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_malaise Malaise/fatigue/lethargy 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_headache Headache 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_myalgia Myalgia/muscle ache 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_cough Cough 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_sorethroat Sore throat 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_shortnessofbreath Shortness of breath/difficult breathing 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_ilirespiratory_wheezing Wheezing 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
less_othersymptoms_nasalcongestion Nasal congestion 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = do not know Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_antibio_during Use of antibiotics during this admission? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_antiviral_preceding Use of influenza antivirals (oseltamivir, zanamivir, favipiravir or peramivir) for the current episode initiated before this admission 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_antiviral_during Use of influenza antiviral (oseltamivir, zanamivir, favipiravir or peramivir) for the current episode initiated during this admission 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_vac_history_validated Vaccination history for current season validated through registry or medical records? 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer If both_influ_vac_current_season = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_influ_vac_current_season = Yes, must be 0, 1 or 2, other values are not permitted
more_display_comment Technical variable that displays conditional questions
less_display_comment Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_lab2_sarscov2 SARS-CoV-2 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_sarscov2_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_sarscov2 = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_sarscov2 = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_others Others 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_test_other_virus = No or sample inadequate, must be empty
If both_test_other_virus = Yes, must be 0 or 1 , other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_lab2_others_yesno Test result 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_lab2_others = No, must be empty
If both_lab2_others = Yes, must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
more_covid_firstdose Vaccination status COVID-19: at least first dose COVID-19 vaccine received 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
more_covid_full Fully vaccinated (2 doses or 1 dose depending on product) more than 14 days before onset of the ILI symptoms 0 = No / 1 = Yes /2 = Do not know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
more_covid_vaccine If known, indicate which COVID-19 vaccine the patient received Pfizer / AZ / J&J / Novavax / Moderna / Sputnik / Sinopharm / Bharat Biotech Text If the information is known, must be the name of the vaccine
Otherwise, must leave empty
flu_vac_2010_11 Influenza vaccination in the 2010-2011 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2011_12 Influenza vaccination in the 2011-2012 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2012_13 Influenza vaccination in the 2012-2013 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2013_14 Influenza vaccination in the 2013-2014 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2014_15 Influenza vaccination in the 2014-2015 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2015_16 Influenza vaccination in the 2015-2016 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2016_17 Influenza vaccination in the 2016-2017 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2017_18 Influenza vaccination in the 2017-2018 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2018_19 Influenza vaccination in the 2018-2019 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2019_20 Influenza vaccination in the 2019-2020 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2020_21 Influenza vaccination in the 2020-2021 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2021_22 Influenza vaccination in the 2021-2022 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2022_23 Influenza vaccination in the 2022-2023 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2023_24 Influenza vaccination in the 2023-2024 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2024_25 Influenza vaccination in the 2024-2025 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
flu_vac_2026_27 Influenza vaccination in the 2025-2026 season 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
ecmo ExtroCorporeal Membrance Oxygenation (ECMO) Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
reason_no_com Reason for no Communication 1 = language 2=Discharged 3=No proxy or tutor 4=Other 5=Neuronal damage Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
consul_3m Number of outpatient physician consultations in the last 3 months Integer
contra_flu Any contra-indication to influenza vaccination? 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
sudden Did these ILI symptoms appear suddenly? 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
polypnea Polypnea 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 9999 = Don't know Integer Must be 0, 1 or 9999 if inknown, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
screened Technical variable Always equal to 1
sequenced Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_epi_isl not empty
lci_plus Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab_flu_h1n1 = 1 or both_lab_flu_h3n2 = 1 or both_lab_flu_yamagata = 1 or both_lab_flu_victoria = 1 or both_lab_flu_a_nosub = 1 or both_lab_flu_b_nosub = 1
orv_plus Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rs_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_adeno_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_boca_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_pi_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rhino_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_sarscov2_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_others_yesno = 1
orv_plus_sans_rsv Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo_yesno = 1or both_lab2_adeno_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_boca_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_pi_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rhino_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_sarscov2_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_others_yesno = 1
orv_plus_sans_sars_cov_2 Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rs_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_adeno_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_boca_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_pi_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rhino_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_others_yesno = 1
orv_plus_sans_rsv_sans_sars_cov_2 Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo_yesno = 1or both_lab2_adeno_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_boca_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_pi_yesno = 1 or both_lab2_rhino_yesno = 1or both_lab2_others_yesno = 1
test_orv Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona = 1 or both_lab2_rs = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo = 1or both_lab2_adeno = 1 te both_lab2_boca = 1 or both_lab2_pi = 1 or both_lab2_rhino = 1 or both_lab2_sarscov2 = 1 or both_lab2_others = 1
test_orv_sans_rsv Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo = 1or both_lab2_adeno = 1 or both_lab2_boca = 1 or both_lab2_pi = 1 or both_lab2_rhino = 1 or both_lab2_sarscov2 = 1 or both_lab2_others = 1
test_orv_sans_sars_cov_2 Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona = 1 or both_lab2_rs = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo = 1or both_lab2_adeno = 1 te both_lab2_boca = 1 or both_lab2_pi = 1 or both_lab2_rhino = 1 or both_lab2_others = 1
test_orv_sans_rsv_sans_sars_cov_2 Technical variable Equal to 1 if both_lab2_corona = 1 or both_lab2_metaneumo = 1or both_lab2_adeno = 1 te both_lab2_boca = 1 or both_lab2_pi = 1 or both_lab2_rhino = 1 or both_lab2_others = 1
both_age Age Integer Mandatory
If patient < 1 month, please enter his age in days
Must be a valid Integer between 1 and 30, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
If patient < 5 years old, please enter his age in months
Must be a valid Integer between 1 and 60, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
If patient >= 5 years old, please enter his age in years
Must be a valid Integer between 5 and 130, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_age_unit Age Unit (label masqué et déplacé à droite change age) 1 = Years / 2 = Months / 3 = Days text Mandatory
Must be 1, 2 or 3, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
tranche_age_def1 Technical variable < 5 yo / 5-18 / 18-45 / 45-65 / 65-80 / 80+
tranche_age_def2 Technical variable <6m / 6-11m / 12-23m / 2-4y / 5-9y / 10-14y / 15-49y / 50-64y / 65-80y / +80y
tranche_age_def3 Technical variable <5 yo / 5-64 yo / 65 + yo
length_of_hospital_stay Technical variable indicating the lenght of the stay at hospital Equal to the difference between both_discharged_date and both_doa
week_number Technical variable indicating the number of the week when entering
exclusion Technical variable
included Technical variable
both_display_intro Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_display_how_patient_was_identified Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_a_diag_unknow Admission diagnosis unknown or not captured 1 = Not available Integer If both_comp_a_diag = No, must be empty
If both_comp_a_diag = Yes and both_a_diag empty, must be "1", other values are not permitted
If both_a_diag is known, must be empty
both_case_identified_based_logs_respiratory Case finding based on hospital admission logs for acute respiratory illness 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
If "Yes", both_comp_a_diag and both_case_identified_based_positive_swab must be "No"
both_case_identified_based_positive_swab Case finding based on positive swab from hospital diagnostic test for admitted patients 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer Mandatory
Must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
If "Yes", both_comp_a_diag and both_case_identified_based_logs_respiratory must be "No"
both_case_definition_used Case definition used (see Annex 2) 1 = SARI case definition
2 = Extended SARI case definition
3 = ECDC modified case definition
4 = Acute respiratory illness case definition
5 = Laboratory confirmed influenza
6 = Laboratory confirmed Covid-19
7 = Other
Integer Mandatory
Must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_case_definition_other_detail Detail other case definition used text If both_case_definition_used != 7, must be empty
If both_case_definition_used = 7, must be detailed in text
both_lab2_others_detail Detail name of virus tested text If both_lab2_others = Yes, must be detailed in text
Otherwise, must be empty
both_antiviral_preceding_date_unknow Starting Date unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_antiviral_preceding = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antiviral_preceding = Yes AND bboth_antiviral_preceding_date a valid date, must be empty
If both_antiviral_preceding = Yes AND both_antiviral_preceding_date empty, must be = 1
both_antiviral_during_date_unknow Starting Date unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_antiviral_during = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antiviral_during = Yes AND both_antiviral_during_date a valid date, must be empty
If both_antiviral_during = Yes AND both_antiviral_during_date empty, must be = 1
both_antibio_preceding_date_unknow Starting Date unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_antibio_preceding = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antibio_preceding = Yes AND both_antibio_preceding_date a valid date, must be empty
If both_antibio_preceding = Yes AND both_antibio_preceding_date empty, must be = 1
both_antibio_during_date_unknow Starting Date unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_antibio_during = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_antibio_during = Yes AND both_antibio_during_date a valid date, must be empty
If both_antibio_during = Yes AND both_antibio_during_date empty, must be = 1
both_vac_type_vaccine Type of influenza vaccine 0 = Do not know / 1 = IIV3 / 2 = IIV4 Integer If both_influ_vac_current_season = No or Do not know, must be empty
If both_influ_vac_current_season = Yes, must be 0, 1 or 2, other values are not permitted
both_display_clinical5bis Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_covid_number_doses Date of last vaccine dose YYYY-MM-DD datetime If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be a valid date
If both_covid_number_doses != None AND date unknown, must be empty AND both_covid_last_dose_date_unknow = 1
both_covid_last_dose_date_unknow Date of last vaccine dose unknown or not captured 1 = Do not know Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None AND both_covid_number_doses valid date, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None AND date unknown, both_covid_last_dose_date_unknow must be = 1
both_display_covid_vaccine Technical variable that displays conditional questions
both_covid_vaccine_mrna mRNA (e.g., Moderna, Pfizer BioNtech) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be 0, or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_covid_vaccine_inactivated_virion Inactivated whole virion (e.g., Sinopharm, Sinovac) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be 0, or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_covid_vaccine_viral_vector Viral vector vaccine (e.g., AstraZenica, Sputnik) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be 0, or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_covid_vaccine_protein_subunit Protein subunit vaccine (e.g., Novavax) 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be 0, or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_covid_vaccine_unknow Type(s) of COVID-19 vaccine(s) unknown or not captured 0 = No / 1 = Yes Integer If both_covid_number_doses = None, must be empty
If both_covid_number_doses != None, must be 0 or 1, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_severity_high_dependence_unit High dependence unit 0 = No / 1 = Yes / 2 = NA or Do not know Integer Mandatory
Must be 0, 1 or 2, other values (including empty or NULL value) are not permitted
both_d_diag1_unknow Main diagnose at discharge/death unknown or not captured 1 = Not available Integer If both_d_diag_1 empty, must be = 1
both_d_diag2_unknow Secondary 1 diagnose at discharge/death unknown or not captured 1 = Not available Integer If both_d_diag_2 empty, must be = 1
both_d_diag3_unknow Secondary 2 diagnose at discharge/death unknow or not captured 1 = Not available Integer If both_d_diag_3 empty, must be = 1
both_sample_type Please indicate if it is an influenza sample or a Covid-19 sample 1 = Influenza / 2 = Covid-19 / 3 = both Integer If both_sample_submited = Yes, must be 1 or 2, othe values are not permitted
both_swabcovid_date_unknow Date of swabbing for COVID-19 non-applicable 1 = NA Integer If both_swabcovid_dateempty, must be = 1
Otherwise, must be empty
{% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}